Geeth S Gunnampalli

Hi there! I'm Geeth, a senior at the University of Texas at Dallas, where I am pursuing a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science. I am a passionate software developer with a keen interest in both mobile and web development, always eager to learn and grow in my field. I enjoy innovating and creating new things, and I am always looking for new opportunities to challenge myself.

I've been building applications since the 11th grade. In 2021, I launched my first app, MyPanchang, a lunar calendar app. Since its launch, MyPanchang has amassed over 4,200 downloads on the App Store.

I always wanted to work at Big Tech Firms and build apps for their ecosystem. I've been working towards that goal ever since 11th grade by building apps and learning new technologies. I've interned at USAA, working on their iOS app to gain experience in the iOS development field.

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  • UT Dallas OIT

    November 2024 - Present

    Student Developer
